Turtle Bay Cafe to Host Akumal Ambulance Fundraiser Dinner
On Saturday, December 9th, the iconic Turtle Bay Café and Bakery will host the Akumal Ambulance Fundraiser Dinner, a wonderful charity event to raise money for the Red Cross Ambulance.
Based full-time in Akumal, the Red Cross Ambulance has been saving lives and making our community safer by ensuring that residents and visitors have the fastest access to emergency medical services and transportation to hospitals in the case of a medical emergency. Prior to having an ambulance in town, the entire Akumal community had to rely on the ambulances based at the Tulum Red Cross station, almost half an hour away, which meant that precious time was lost waiting on transportation and paramedics in the event of an emergency. As you can imagine, numerous lives have been saved thanks to the presence of the ambulance and paramedics in Akumal.
Each Red Cross chapter relies entirely on financial support from the community and for the past three years, the Akumal community has rallied together to raise money to keep the Red Cross Ambulance and paramedic team based right here in town. With the holidays just around the corner, the time has come to once again raise funds for this important local cause; money is needed for the ambulance, the paramedic team, and all the equipment in order to continue saving lives.
This year’s Akumal Ambulance Fundraiser Dinner will be held on Saturday, December 9th at the famous Turtle Bay Café and Bakery near Akumal Bay. If it’s anything like last year, it will be an unforgettable evening of live music, games, and an incredible 3-course dinner.
What an fun way to help support such a good cause!
Here's the menu for this year’s fundraiser dinner (it also includes 2 Cueva Vodka cocktails!):
To start (a choice of one of the following):
- Vegetable pozole
- Mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette
Main course (a choice of one of the following):
- Roasted vegetable lasagna
- Seafood Thai curry over jasmine rice
- Smoked pork loin
Dessert (a choice of one of the following):
- Homemade small batch ice cream
- Flan
- Key Lime Pie
The fundraiser dinner costs $650 pesos per person and thanks to the generosity of Turtle Bay Café and Bakery, 100% of the ticket price will go directly to the operating costs of the Akumal Ambulance.
To reserve your spot, you can book directly at Turtle Bay Café, online via PayPal or credit card, or contact Marieke Brown at marieke@akumaldirect.com. If you are unable to attend the event, you can still make a donation to support the Akumal Ambulance via the PayPal link.
To keep up with all the latest updates on this event, click here to join the Akumal Ambulance Fundraiser Dinner event page on Facebook.
BuyPlaya Real Estate Advisors is proud to help support the Akumal Ambulance Fundraiser Dinner and we hope to see you there!